You Asked, We Answered!! FAQ!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 07:04:19 AM
We have received a lot of good questions, we are hoping this will provide some answers.
What comes in what rule book?
The starter rulebook has the rules for the game. It has brief descriptions of the factions, but that is it. The hardback rulebook has full faction right ups and faction specific rules, along with all of the rules from the starter rulebook.
Can I add things after the campaign?
You definitely can! Once the Kickstarter ends and the pledge manager opens (through Backerkit) you will be able to add to your pledge. Or a friend can start a new pledge instead.
How many different ship models?
Graphics like this will be provided for the other factions.
How many different cards per ship? and how many unique per box?
Each ship will come with two ship's cards. Each set of ship cards is unique to that box. So, if you buy both the Starter Box and the Fleet box you will get different ship cards. Even though the molds may be the same, the ship cards will be different.
As example:
The French Faucon has 6 ship cards. 2 from the Starter Box, 2 from the Fleet Box and 2 from the Ship Pack.
We will also be offering packs of ship cards for sale separately.
How many players are supported?
The game can be played with 2 players and up. The only thing will be playing space, making sure everyone has enough room to maneuver their fleets.
A game can be as large or as small as you want. Want to play a fast game? Each player use a destroyer. Want to play more, each player bring their fleets. You pick the size of the game, we don't.
Where do I get faction specific rules?
A very basic breakdown of the factions is included in the starter rulebook included with the box set. This will be everything you need to play each faction with a unique flavor. More in depth descriptions of the factions are in the add-on rulebook.
British Ship Cards: Range Before Beauty
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Aug 19, 2022 at 06:48:46 AM
As has been mentioned before the British Air Fleet is committed to range as its number one attribute above everything else. A fight with the British is a game of closing the gap before they shoot you out of the sky.
The clearest example of this goal is the reverse range-bracket guns of the British. Most guns are better at short range and worse at long range. This is the opposite for some of these special guns, where they are better at range and worse up close. The Cairo, shown below, is great example of this slot in action.
However, the armor and broadsides of many British ships mean they can still put up a good fight after the sides have closed.
HML Cairo
The Cairo's reverse range guns are a true gem of the British navy. With 3 guns on turrets the Cairo can fire off 4 guns on one side, which at range use d10s instead of the standard d8 for the gun size. This makes the Cairo one of the most powerful 2nd turn ships in the game as their enemy starts to get into range. However, after that turn the numbers turn against them quick as their d10s turn to d6s up close. Combine that with mediocre speed and turning and they really want to keep distance or risk being overwhelmed quickly.
HML Spion Kop
A true beast of the battle cruiser class. With 3 long range saturation guns, great armor and a high Structure Integrity, this ship captures the true essence of the battle cruiser line as a pocket battleship. This ship is a great replacement for a fleet wanting to go without a battleship. However, it can just as easily join a battleship for some truly crazy firepower.
HML Leviathan
The titular ship of the game Leviathans, the HML Leviathan is in everyone way an amazing flag ship. Its 12 inch guns are the largest in the air as of 1914, reaching across half the map to smack any ship that didn't watch its moment properly. It also has a very strong broadside armaments for anyone wanting to get up close. It even has a Saturation Gun in its stern for any destroyer trying to attack its engines. Its speed and turn radices are its only real downsides.
The three previous ships together can all be taken together as a single fleet and is often the British navy at its best.
The Russian Fleet will come out tomorrow, rounding out the ship cards posts. Later today will be a FAQ posts to clear some things up for people with questions.
Also, we got a huge boost after the Campaign Box was put out as an add-on. Its great to see the huge excitement for that product.
See you later today Captains.
Lord Admiral Bryn Bills
Operation Hannibal
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Aug 18, 2022 at 01:34:55 AM
We have unlocked the highly anticipated Campaign Box! This is one of my favorite stretch goals as it will add a lot more play options into Leviathans for those looking for a less pure competitive focused game experience.
Operation Hannibal
This Campaign Box will focus on the competition between the French and the Germans over the Alps. The Campaign will be set up so you can decide how many players will be participating. From 1v1 to 4v4, two sides will battle over the mountains and their Etroid deposits. You can also either go for a completely historical fight or choose whichever nation you want to field into the campaign.
What comes in the box?
The following will come in a Campaign Box. The exact amounts and details will change from box to box but all of them will have the same main components. The list below will be more focused on Operation Hannibal where details are concerned.
Rule Book
The rule book will teach you how to use the box, from the campaign rules to the new tokens and cards. It will also explain how to use either standard nations involved or whichever nations you wish to fight with, including mixing and matching nations on the two sides of the conflict.
Campaign map
A campaign map will be provided to track your progress. As you take control of different parts of the map you will be able to mark it and gain rewards from those locations. You will need to track supplies lines to make sure you aren't overextending yourself. Players will be able to plan out their attacks and counter attacks from here.
New Map
A new double sided map will be included that will both add to your map collection as well as create some unique conditions for your leviathans to deal with.
The Snowing map will have a universal visibility penalty when it is used. This will both affect firing as well as have a small chance of running into mountains.
The Tight Valley map will have a smaller field of movement and will have restrictions for which ships can enter it during Campaign play.
I won't go into every token we have but here are some examples of what to expect from the many tokens available.
Ground AL(anti-leviathan) guns that will be gained during the campaign for some static firepower
Supply ship tokens that you need to defend from enemy attacks
A giant flying fortress defending the opponent's main operating base in the region
All these tokens are meant to be used as part of the campaign, unlocked through victory and as a means of defense when on the back foot. However, rules will be provided for use in a standard game if players wish.
These cards will act similar to the tokens, adding more options for play during the campaign. Here again are some examples of this.
New admiral cards that can help with the new maps and tokens
Campaign cards that will affect play on and off the board
Special captain cards for single ships
Stats for the new tokens, such as the AL guns
The campaign box will cost $40 and is now available as an add-on for those ready to battle over the Alps.
Tomorrow we will have updates on some more FAQs as well as the plans for the last 72 hours of the Kickstarter.
Talk to you then captains!
Lord Admiral Bryn Bills
Italian Air Ships: Dreams of Mare Nostrum
over 2 years ago
– Wed, Aug 17, 2022 at 02:19:10 AM
Italian Ship design is both the simplest and most complicated of the major powers. As has been alluded to before, the most fundamental rule for the Italians is speed. From their destroyers to their battleships, nothing is faster than an Italian leviathan. Able to cross the map in half the time as their competition, they can be a nightmare to deal with.
However, this speed comes at a high cost. With low armor and structural integrity, they are the most fragile of the major powers. A badly positioned Italian ship will feel that mistake more than most, as single fire from an enemy battleship can easily destroy most Italian leviathans if they get too close.
This all leads to a fleet that uses its speed to only engage when it is best suited for them and no sooner. One of the ways they accomplish this is by having torpedoes be a primary armament for their ships. Do to the long range of torpedoes they can stay back and fire them off until the time to engage comes.
The Andromeda is the pinnacle of the wait-then-strike approach of the Italian navy. With its 12 speed and 4/6 guns it can dive in and destroy the stern. However, it can also easily sit back with its torpedoes and fire from out of range. The Andromeda is true testament to Italian navel design.
Marco Polo
Thanks to the torpedo turret on the front of the Marco, it can fire off its shots no matter which angle it is at. This allows it to either stay back and wait or charge in without needing to worry about how it will get its torpedoes out. While not as fast as some other Italian ships, it can still turn quickly and its range helps fill in the gap.
[Orthographic not made yet for the type 3]
For the first time we have a battle cruiser to look at. The Sardegna is a true beast of Italian design. With a torpedo turret up front and 4 along its side, this ship's torpedo salvo is as powerful as it gets. Add the double saturation guns up front and the Sardegna can match the firepower of many battleships. However its armor falls short, meaning this ship needs to stay back or it will become little more than a glass cannon.
If being able to turn nearly on a dime wasn't enough for the Vesuvius, then its ability to always go after other battleships will surely lock in its power. The improved steering gear of the Vesuvius means that this ship is treated as a type 3.5 for initiative order. Throw in the torpedo turrets and 3 long range guns and you have a truly terrifying flagship for any Italian fleet.
Lord Admiral Bryn Bills
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Aug 15, 2022 at 10:45:42 PM
With 350k unlocked I wanted to quickly talk about what you can expect from the two new destroyers that have joined Leviathans.
German Destroyer
The new German destroyer will give the German air fleet access to its first torpedo boats. While lacking the range of the most torpedoes, this German torpedo boat makes up for it with a very powerful up close volley. While not a mainstay of the German fleet, this ship adds more options to a German player.
French Destroyer
While the German destroyer gave torpedoes to that faction, the French destroyer will give France some alternate torpedo options besides the standard straight line effect. This will include an area of effect torpedo token. Again, this will provide more varied options for how to build your French fleet.
The other thing unlocked was the free Novel. While I don't have details on this story at this time I can say that we have gotten authors coming from everywhere that want to write in this universe which has been great to see. Soon after the Kickstarter is finished, details will be provided for the stories included in the Kickstarter.
The Italian update for today had to be punished to tomorrow. However it will include the first Battle cruiser card seen here so there will be lots of awesome with it. Here is an Italian destroyer to hold you over tell them.
The next Stretch goal is the Campaign box which is fantastic to see. With its unlock I will talk in more detail in regards to what that box will be all about.